

Yeah I am drawing three issue of Sups/Bats...and what a story. I wanted to go back to my superhero roots and do some huge fun fighting so I asked Eddie Berganza if he could suggest to Dan Abnet and Andy Lanning to write something epic along those lines. I kid you not within a week I got an outline in the mail that blew my socks off...and it revolved around Bats saving Sups butt, yeah! I couldn't believe it in the following weeks as I read the plots I felt like I was reading comics again as when I was a kid.

The real kicker artisically is when I like a story I usually like full plots and full scripts but we were so in sync the three of us that I was drawing off of breakdown plots and enjoying it. There was a good story that really moved and there was enough space artistically for me to draw it...nirvana...

The best thing is not only do I have a great writing team that works quick but my dream team of Rich Friend on inks and Alex Sinclair on Colors...wait til you see this...


Hello People: We're finally up and armed...

Well, here we are finally...a website. It took awhile but here it is. It's really a web-blog site due to the extent of my html skills or lack thereof but I really wanted to do this myself. Or at least see if I could pull it off. I've long wanted a website but wanted it to be as interactive as I could make it. So that meant something that I could myself maintain and modify whenever and wherever I happen to be.

Here you'll have (almost) instant access to me and my artwork (dependent on deadlines of course). On this part of the site you can ask me most anything you wish from what I'm currently working on to "hey, do you squid fish off San Diego?" Anything at all...so let's begin!