These are random subject line sketches all done June 27-29. Various mediums. Some traditional pencils, most done in Sketchbook Pro then roughly painted in Photoshop. Had some off time from comics so wanted to play around doing random designs. Just trying to show various styles and approaches I take.
These are samples of my experiments in digital painting over the years thru out my comic book career. I've always been interested in the digital medium. Some of this was done on a Sony Vaio Wacom PC, the rest done on a tablet PC. I currently go almost nowhere without my 14 inch widescreen tablet PC to draw whenever in the mood. Photoshop, Painter and Sketchbook Pro. . .
There is traditionally not much time in a comic book schedule to do designs but here are the design sketches I did in searching for a new direction for Spawn. Traditional pencil on paper.
These are unfinished digital paintings started this weekend. (June 27-29) Looking at my portfolio I realized a lack of digitals with environs. So I started a batch of digitals. These are all done in Photoshop 6 (Just got comfortable with this version) on a tablet PC.